In his room, he listens to the rain strike the tin roof on the lean-to under his window. Just beyond it stands the little peach tree, with its fruit that never ripens. A warm, summer-night rain, in large drops that sometimes fall one at ... Y Bonnefoy,H Rogers - 《New England ...
Electric Vehicle Charging Outlet Station Protective Roof,Charging Post Roof Metal Cover Weatherproof Electrical Equipment Outdoor Rain Canopy Cover Surveillance Camera Shelter Electrical Outlet Cov JinZhongChuangShiJiWenHuaChuanMeiYouXianGongSi $7.98 Reserved Parking EV Electrical Vehicle Only Charging Station ...
Trusty (who, at least on this occasion, was not) snapped off the tip of his drill into the roof of Fanning's mouth. Trusty's efforts to extract the drill bit with a metal hook only succeeded in jamming the bit deeply into the sinuses behind Fanning's left eye socket. Emergency ...
The first man, who wore blue glasses and could presumably see better than the others, walked in front holding a tin cup against the crook15 of the stick in his left hand. The right hand of the second man rested on his shoulder and the right hand of the third on the shoulder of the...