There is a VERY REAL possibility that Trump could end up owning this country, running it from the White House as the dictator he has always wanted to be, wiping out any chance of holding him responsible for his crimes and making MAGA and the Evangelistic American Taliban the law of the la...
Probably why my parents ended up with a succession of frogs, toads, and lizards in the house, not to mention a squirrel and a raccoon. Between Farley Mowat and Gerald Durrell they were lucky I didn’t go for anything bigger. Do you remember the one Farley Mowat book (I can’t ...
Lithuanian Out Loud 0039 Beg - Paukscio Namas BirdhouseWhen you greet a Lithuanian at his or her house, flat or say the front door of a restaurant, whatever you do, don’t shake hands across the threshold of the doorway. Yeah, that one surprised me too but I was brusquely corrected ...
All observers agree it wasn’t the Solicitor General’s finest hour, but Supreme Court cases aren’t really decided by the quality of the oral argument in most cases, and the SG is playing with house money anyway—across the history of the Supreme Court, the solicitor general usually wins ...
Also, I find most of the Kroger in-house products to be of good quality and a decent value. Luv-It Frozen Custard. I’m making it a point to investigate off-the-beaten-path eateries that are touted highly by veteran locals. Some of these prove overrated; others live up to the hype....
The House, a.k.a. Michelob Ultra Arena, home to my beloved Las Vegas Aces. A championship three-peat escaped our grasp during a challenging season, but I thoroughly enjoyed every home game… even the ones the Aces didn’t win. The House draws great crowds (every game this season was ...