Lori: "Ten girls and one boy. Literally just like us." Lucy: "That's amazing." Luna: [giggles] "Yes!" Lincoln: "Yeah. How about that...?" [sports a worried expression afterward] [Morag, meanwhile, is picking up the parts of the armor while the Louds are still commenting on the...
The Loud House (2016) Quotes | AddQuotes | View All “ That is literally the worst thing I have ever heard.”ImagesCommentMember Features | Login or Register Voting 0 VS Matches Capture Game | What is this? | Hints Locked! Waifu and Imouto systems have now merged into something new,...
Lori - Saying the word "literally". Leni - Having dumb moments. Luna - Making song and music references. Luan - Telling jokes that annoy her family and pulling pranks. Lynn - Practicing sports. Lincoln - Breaking the fourth wall in almost every episode. Lucy - Popping out from nowhere and...
The follow-up to the sequel to Hollaback Girl (That was literally mine). Are you ready sisters? I said are you ready? Who lives in a house at Royal Woods? Lori Loud Talkative and yellow and loving is she Lori Loud If cleaning be something you wish ...
Jimmy 1:șefule se întoarce Benet:o nu Și raza intra prin geamul deschis al lise și ricosa și intra in Lincoln și se remicsora Toată lumea mai puțin Benet abonati lui echipa sa surorile mai mici și Lincoln erau șocați ...
on the series and the fans really love the musical episodes. Aubin and I reunite in a tap number that is ‘vaudeville’ inspired and is just hilarious and was so much fun to film. I literally crack open watermelons and lose half my teeth by the end of the number – thanks to A...
“leaders.” I’m going to be grateful for the heroes of the fire departments, other first responders and even private citizens who jumped into action, not even knowing all that they were up against. They saved some, they lost some, and many of them were also lost — literally and ...
Lori 配音:Catherine Taber 17岁,是Loud家最大的孩子,也是仅有拥有驾驶执照的孩子。Lori是一个专横、暴躁和刻薄的女孩,对她的手足们趾高气扬。即始如此,她仍旧是一个顾家爱家的好姐姐。Lori二十四小时处于与男友Bobby发信息的状态,“Literally”是她的口头禅。Leni 配音:Liliana Mumy 16岁,是Loud家排行第...