Make the Dream Last a Lifetime; Some Big Decisions Await If Your Lotto Numbers Come Up
A lotto magic web site for try, forecast, guess and analysis to hit next draw of lottery numbers.
We know that for all pick 3 tickets, the minimum sum is 0 (0 + 0 + 0 = 0), the max sum is 27 (9 + 9 + 9) . So we can analyze and predict the sum of the next winning numbers, and then use this feature to generate the combination of our predicted sums. ...
Using the $2 he won from his Lotto Max ticket, he bought four Lotto 6/49 tickets for the June 15, 2024 drawing. The first two tickets he checked after the drawing didn't win anything. The third ticket won $10. "I believe in God, and God showed me, not in one dream, but in a...
Interestingly enough, Ken was back the very next day to buy some more Lotto Max 6/49 tickets. The Salter family told BCLC they have no plans to leave the Village of Telkwa. They plan to build their dream home on their existing property and plan a river cruise in Europe to celebrate. ...