Complete The Line of Kings deed Read the plaques on the statues of the kings of Gondor. Complete The Stewards of Gondor deed Read the plaques on the statues of the stewards of Gondor. Rewards 100 Marks 5 Minas Tirith Silver Piece <name>, the Gondorian Historian Increased Reputation with Defe...
Muster in Minas Tirith Induction: 10s Allows the Warden to travel to Minas Tirith. Cost: (level-dependent) Power Attainment A Warden can learn this skill by readingMuster in Minas Tirith. Traits The traitHurry Up with That!in theAssailment Traitstree reduces the induction time of the skill ...
By the time of the War of the Ring, many remained at Bâr Húrin in South Ithilien and hidden in the Osgiliath Culverts as the city of Osgiliath itself was overrun before the Siege of Minas Tirith. Henneth Annûn in North Ithilien is their other major remaining refuge. Following the...
Minas Tirith (Swift) Old Anórien 97 60 Min. Level: 85 Rohan - Westemnet Aldburg (Swift) West Rohan 97 60 Min. Level: 85 Strongholds of the North Felegoth Strongholds of the North 68 Min. Level: 90 Felegoth (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 80 Min. Level: 90 Lake-town...
The Battle of Helm's Deep: Helm's Dike • The Deeping Wall • The Deeping-coomb • The Glittering Caves • The Hornburg War for Gondor: Retaking Pelargir • Defence of Minas Tirith • Hammer of the Underworld Roles and Promotions: Engineer • Officer • Vanguard Merit...
Glorfindeltravels south toMinas Tirithat Midsummer with the household of LordElrondfor the wedding ofAragornandArwen. He can be found in the feast-hall ofMerethrondafter the wedding ceremony, seated with a number of other Elves of Rivendell. ...
At the base of Orthanc in Isengard During the defence of the walls of Minas Tirith At the Court of the White Tree in the Citadel of the White City At the Camp of the Host, in North Ithilien At the Slag-hills, outside the Black Gate of Mordor In the Hall of the King near Elessar...
Find the grand city of Osgiliath in ruins in Eastern Gondor and fight the battle of the Ring before the city of Minas Tirith. Follow the Heir of the Throne through the beautiful lands of North Ithilien and march on the Black Gate on the Black Lands. Aid the people of Gondor and ...
He had ruled as the first High King of the Two Kingdoms for 121 years. Elendil's youngest son Anárion was slain during the siege, one year earlier. Isildur saved the shards of Narsil, arranged the burial of Elendil, but the true tomb was later moved to near Minas Tirith. Later ...
Frodocan be found inMidsummer Minas Tirith, ready to attend the wedding ofAragornandArwen. After the wedding ceremony, he sits at the high table inMerethrondbetween Gandalf and Sam. Quest Involvement [...]Book 1, Chapter 2: Experts on the Subject ...