[113]Lost Lore of Gorgoroth: Talath Úrui Creatures The followingcreaturesare found within this area: Maps Lore Gallery Views of Nargroth. The exterior of Nargroth. The outer gates. The bridge to the entrance of Nargroth. A moat of lava makes the bridge the only way to access the inte...
Morgul Vale Lost Lore Bookcase Deed Complete the deed The Lost Lore of the Morgul Vale and Mordor Besieged Moria Geode Iron Garrison Miners Traders Moria Keg Barter Spring Rewards Vendors during Spring Festival Moria Ornamental Urn Barter Filbert Fig ...
This is one of the fiveOrcishoutposts along the road in Talath Úrui. It is in the middle of the plain, south of theGhâshghurm, where the way toOrodirandNargrothbranches from the main road. Singed Page#13 forLost Lore of Gorgoroth: Talath Úruican be found behind the pillories...