See the delving of Járnfast in the Iron Hills, the cold north of the Ered Mithrin and its strongholds of Skarháld and Thikil-gundu, help the Beornings at the Vales of Anduin and end your journey in Minas Morgul to finish your biggest nemesis. Find out what the Gúrzyul are up to...
他们能做的,也就LOTRO开发了road to erebor系列副本,试图和霍比特人搭上关系。 大力环时,EG7年度计划里就有LOTRO蹭大力环的热度的描述。 就跟现在LOTRO为了配合新电影卖Rohirrim支持者礼盒,一样的。 毕 来自颍州... 12-14 16 第12季RT传武奖励系统中的家具(选摘) 光飛羽 第12季RT业已开启,SSG也...
Took a self-guided tour of Carn Dum to finish an exploration deed. Discovered many ways to die unexpectedly. My minstrel leveled up and found herself stuck in red and orange mobs without armor, so she rode to find Snowborn and less treacherous armor. Ran Court of Seregost at 115 and ...
Make it a man champ, and let’s see what we will actually do in this grind. After you finish the intro, you will be lvl 6 and head for Celondim in Ered Luin. There you will follow the Elven epic quest line while doing certain quests and deeds to gather TP. Some guides suggest a...
指环王online 主线(史诗任务Epic Quests)line 概要一览 光飛羽 徜徉在中土世界时,您的角色将有机会成为中土世界的英雄,因为您将通过所谓的“史诗”任务线epic quest line,来帮助护戒队以及自由人民。《指环王online》游戏里的史诗故事与 J.R.R 托尔金的奇幻史诗交织在一起,要么在专为《指环王 Online》创作的故事...