Western Gondor Deeds Central Gondor Deeds Eastern Gondor Deeds Old Anórien Deeds Far Anórien Deeds March of the King Deeds The Wastes Deeds Eastern King's Gondor Deeds Western King's Gondor Deeds Outer Gondor DeedsMordorGorgoroth Deeds Imlad Morgul Deeds...
Reward -Sturgeon Group Trophy The Salmon King Catch a50-pound Salmon Reward - Title:the Complete Angler Trout-master Catch all 9 Trout varieties Reward - Title:Trout-master Reward -Trout Group Trophy Lake-master Catch all 20 types of eastern, freshwater fish ...
Gondor: Western Gondor • Central Gondor • Eastern Gondor • Old Anórien • Far Anórien • March of the King • The Wastes • Eastern King's Gondor • Western King's Gondor • Outer Gondor Mordor: Gorgoroth • Morgul Vale Haradwaith: The Shield Isles • Cape of Um...
Region:Eastern Gondor Area:Osgiliath Location:[62.6S, 10.5W] Location TheHigh Archivesis a landmark and public dungeon withinOsgiliathinEastern Gondor.[62.6S, 10.5W]The High Archives were once a centre of knowledge for the people of Osgiliath. Now, with the city overrun, this place of lore...
Gondor: Western Gondor • Central Gondor • Eastern Gondor • Old Anórien • Far Anórien • March of the King • The Wastes • Eastern King's Gondor • Western King's Gondor • Outer Gondor Mordor: Gorgoroth • Morgul Vale Haradwaith: The Shield Isles • Cape of Um...
Before Battle: Central Gondor • Eastern Gondor • Far Anórien • Old Anórien • Western Gondor After Battle: Anfalas • Anórien • North Ithilien • King's Gondor • Pinnath Gelin • The Wastes QuestsMain contributors: Elinnea, Onewingedangel73106, Tharondir Mordor institut...
Deeds Roving Threats: Eastern Gondor's Roving Enemies Roving Threats Roving ThreatTypeDifficultyGift-giver's Brands Kethat-saiMûmakRaid5 MorgrishHalf-trollSmall Fellowship1 ShardrághTrollFellowship3 Possible Locations The Wastes Quests Quests for Roving Threats inthe Wastesarelandscapequests bestowed when...
The southern part around the cross-roads overlaps the northern section of South Ithilien in Eastern Gondor Ithilien is a fiefdom of Gondor, but for years has been abandoned due to incursions by the forces of Mordor. The Rangers of Ithilien watch over this land in secret, however. ...
of Gondor - You hail from the land of Gondor, the South Kingdom once ruled conjointly by the sons of Elendil, Isildur and Anárion, ever-watchful against the looming threat of Mordor.of Rohan - You are one of the Horse-lords of the Riddermark, the realm granted to Eorl the Young by...
These are deeds available solely to characters of theBrawlerclass. For an overview table seeCategory:Brawler Deeds. Meta Deeds Class deeds will involve 4 types;Quest-based;Any timefor deeds based on skills which are usable outside of combat;Offensive, which requires attacking a hostile target; ...