The Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook - Extended Editionis the perfect reference book for everyone enchanted by the beauty of the locations in the movie trilogy. Since the first screening ofThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ringin 2001, New Zealand has become the embodiment of...
Yeah - hugely popular movie with a large collector-heavy fanbase. They sold Blu-rays with a special bookshelf. This is coming to 4K. I doubt there will be any meaningful new special features, at least not on the first go round. 4K is enough of a reason for fans to trade up. #Snowy...
The book of the five fiery fists. And I’ve finally mastered it too. Frodo: Why, you! [Frodo has flash-back of quick cut scenes showing the murder of his parents.] Frodo: You must pay! [Frodo leaps forward only to be thrown back by Gandalf.] Gandalf: No! Your kung fu is still...
Let’s face it, this is the version of the movies we’ve been waiting for on BLU RAY. The only thing that is missing – is a HOBBIT Teaser Behind The Scenes special feature for us all to watch about a 1000 times. To be honest, I haven’t had time to fully explore this set yet...
-Make sure that you get the special stuff in Isengard too (Gandalf the White and pipe weed) Yeah, I would have liked to get into a little more of the strategy and specific elements of the game (and for the base game inthat video review), but I really had a hard time keeping this...
Agreed. According to Bill Hunt over at Digital Bits, there will only be "one" new special feature on the release next year. Though it's not clear if that's one total or one per film. I'd beverysuprised if they included deleted scenes. And I don't get the impression Jackson is b...