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Mod LoadersView all Fabric Forge Categories Small / Light Adventure and RPG Exploration Multiplayer Main File 1.21.1 The Second Ring - 2.8.0 ReleaseR 1.21.1 Fabric Feb 5, 2025 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.21 The Second Ring - 2.8.0 ReleaseR 1.21.1 Fabric Feb 5, 2025 Minecraft 1.16 The...
wiki活动 社交活动 上传活动 在指定的时间段内没有符合这些过滤条件的更改查看全部最新的模组版本是: 更新36.2 提取码:w3bx 适用于Minecraft1.7.10 建议的Forge版本: 1558 查看更新日志了解最近更改 最新的快照版本是: 快照1.2.2 提取码:7vyc 适用于Minecraft 1.15.2 建议的Forge版本: 1.15.2-31.1.27 见更新日...
Since Public Beta 30, the possibility to play music is also included in the Mod, which is disabled by default, but can be enabled and configured via the config file. The sounds listed here are organised by the folders they are found in within the 'sounds' folder of the assets files of...
矮人矿工是带着镐的矮人,他们可以用一干光亮的硬币来进行交易。他们是在铁丘陵的一干矮人当中最稀有的。他们一般会交易些类似于岩浆桶之类的开采必需品,以及一部分常见或比较稀有的矿石等等。 目录 行为 矮人矿工会在他们居住的矿山附近徘徊,就像是其他的矮人一样。他们会自己保护自己,并且会在矿井附近巡逻,并攻击他们...
基本信息 生物群系 幽谷、林顿 居民 幽谷精灵、林顿精灵 宝箱 有 生成器 无 商人 商人单位商人 无无 历史 增添于 公测β32 外观与内饰 高等精灵房屋有两层,主体由高等精灵砖及其制品组成 屋顶是蓝色/淡蓝色/青色/灰色/淡灰色的粘土瓷砖, 两层地板均为平滑原石,其中家具由苹果木/山毛榉木/桦木/橡木木板组成,并...
Other Staves There are 3 other staves included in the mod, that are of a very different kind, but you might be searching for those: Orc Skull Staff- Wielded byOrc captains. Mace of Sauron- Wielded by theDark Lordhimself and only obtainable in creative gamemode. ...
For more information, crafting recipes, and more, check out theoffical wikiof the mod. How to install the Lord of the Rings Mod for Minecraft: Download the mod. Make sure Minecraft Forge is installed. Open your Minecraft folder (in Windows: Start -> Run -> “%appdata%\.minecraft”). ...
Durnor is a gem which can be obtained by mining Durnor ore in Mordor. When mined, the ore will drop 1-2 of these gems. Durnor has fiery properties, and in Mordor it is somewhat analogous to coal. Durnor gems can be crafted into Durnor Blocks for storage.
Among the loot and treasures you may find in your adventures, there are books. These books, also known as lore texts, can contain flowery poems, tricky riddles, cooking recipes, journals of adventurers, stories of heroes and long lost Elven realms, and m