Like the other races, there are many fascinating facts about the Elves that aren't even scratched at in the movies. If you delve into the history behind Middle-Earth and the races that reside there, you'll find such culture — it could almost rival any race or heritage here in the real...
Often, it's the little things that make a movie not just memorable, but unforgettable. Whether onscreen, or behind the camera,the making of theLOTRfilmschanged movies and Hollywood for good and there are all kinds of fun BTS facts to know aboutThe Lord of the Ringstrilogy. ...
we needs it, we must have the preciousss. Handily then, just a fortnight after we learned that Season 3 of Amazon's billion dollar fantasy epic has officially beengreenlit at Prime Video, today has brought with it word of the upcoming series...
Arwen Was Originally Meant To Battle Alongside The Elves Photo: The Lord of the Rings trilogy/New Line Cinema Originally Liv Tyler's character, Arwen, was to be included in the fighting force of elves who join the men in the battle of Helm's Deep. This was a relic of the ...
have sent word to Eowyn and Faramir. Up to Arwen. And then to the elves of Ithilien. And Lorien. To the hobbits, perhaps, miscellaneous dignitaries. The death of a royal was still the death of a royal. And then there was a letter to Thranduil too. How many times did Estel write it...
The Three Rings are hidden and the War of the Elves and Sauron begins. S.A. 1600 Sauron forges The One Ring and openly proclaims himself. S.A. 1500 The Rings of Power are constructed. S.A. 1200 Sauron is turned away by Gil-galad in Lindon. S.A. 1050 Sauron begins the construction...
以Aragorn和Theoden为突出。提一下Eowyn,她平时说话还都是能叫人听懂的,倒是心血来潮兴致一来什么thee, thou, thy, thine的就都出来了。 Elves的话语神圣而又纯正,措辞正规,与Men类似。Elrond,Galadriel为例。 Dwarves的话语比较粗糙,没有太多修饰,但是Gloin属于斯文型的,说话很正式,他的儿子Gimli就要逊色很多,...
the movie ventures into Middle-earth to introduce Helm, his family, and the conflict between his kingdom and the Dunlendings. Told with humans at the center -- rather than elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons and men -- the movie hinges on its characters, art style and i...
party of hobbits has expanded into dwarves, elves, rangers, and more. For those who simply want to explore the pastoral setting of the Shire, that's still a viable option - but there's plenty of Middle-earth out there, andThe One Ringis increasingly covering that territory in fun new ...
The Lord of the Rings core franchise centers around Frodo Baggins, a living being known as a hobbit, and a group of heroes from the various kingdoms such as the kingdom of man, the kingdom of dwarves, and the kingdom of elves. Together with the great wizard Gandalf, the gr...