While The Lord of the Rings: Gollum may be one of the worst games of 2023 so far, even bad games can be fun to speedrun. In fact, sometimes the very things that make a game so frustrating for normal players—things like bugs and busted controls—can create exciting opportunities for gli...
Quest stage Turn 3: Commit Aragorn who pays one to ready, Theodred who assigns resource to Nori, Nori total will = 5 draw false leads and then shuffle signs of Gollum back into deck total threat = 3 2 success 1 completes old ford 1 goes on quest ⅛ draw 3 put signs of gollum ...
Cards like Gollum's Bite, Ranger's Firebrand, and Dúnedain Rangers are very good! How Much Should I Care About the Ring? “The ring tempts you” is never going to be worth a full card, but the effect stacks nicely with itself. Some relevant considerations for how much you should value...