锁定(Lock Out):这意味着将专用的锁具或锁具套件安装在设备的能源开关或阀门上,以防止它们被误启动。标记(Tag Out):通过附加标签或标识,明确告知人们设备正在维修中或无法使用。验证(Try Out):在解锁之前,必须验证设备已被安全地关闭和固定。这种系统的核心思想是确保工作人员能够在设备上工作之前,将其从...
另外,维基百科的解释。Lock out, tag out or lockout–tagout (LOTO) is a safety procedure used to ensure that dangerous equipment is properly shut off and not able to be started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or repair work. It requires that hazardous energy sources be "isola...
请在使用前核对网上此文件的最新有效版本 Please check the latest version of the document on the server before you use it 公司机密(密级 C2) CONFIDENTIAL LEVEL C2 4.4.6 1/8 安全锁定管理程序 Management Procedure for Safety Lock-out OHSP1,蚂蚁文库
LOTO-上锁挂牌制度(LOCK OUT &TAG OUT)上锁挂牌制度(LOCKOUT&TAGOUT) 在欧美国家的一些企业,为保证维修、调试、工程作业安全,比较普遍地采用LOTO制(lockout&tagout),那么什么是LOTO呢? LOTO即上锁挂牌制度。通过建立不同设备、系统的以上锁挂牌为主的安全程序(如同国内的安全检修规程,电气维修操作规程),...
Lock out, tag out or lockout–tagout (LOTO) is a safety procedure used to ensure that dangerous equipment is properly shut off and not able to be started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or repair work. It requires that hazardous energy sources be 'isolated and rendered ...
Lock out, tag out or lockout–tagout (LOTO) is a safety procedure used to ensure that dangerous equipment is properly shut off and not able to be started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or repair work. It requires that hazardous energy sources be "isolated and rendered ...
上锁挂牌制度(LOCKOUT&TAGOUT) 在欧美国家的一些企业,为保证维修、调试、工程作业安全,比较普遍地采用LOTO制(lock out&tagout),那么什么是LOTO呢? LOTO即上锁挂牌制度。通过建立不同设备、系统的以上锁挂牌为主的安全程序(如同国内的安全检修规程,电气维修操作规程),从而对危险能量进行有效控制,并实施挂牌上锁,保证...
在恢复机器的动力之前,应提醒可能受到或返回使用行动影响的人员。 能量隔离装置中每个上锁装置或挂牌装置应由原上锁挂牌的授权人员移除。 移除上锁装置或挂牌装置后,启动机器之前,可能受这些行动影响的人员抖音被告知锁定装置或挂牌装置已经移除。 02常见的挂牌上锁的样式 以上参考masterlock官方网站。 END...
课程介绍:LOTO 是Lock out Tag out的简写,术语上锁/挂牌。参考 GB/T33579-2017,上锁挂牌是指按照既定程序在能量隔离装置上放置锁具/标牌,以表明在锁具/标牌按照既定程序移除之前,不能操作能量隔离装置。
Lock out, tag out or lockout–tagout (LOTO) is a safety procedure used to ensure that dangerous equipment is properly shut off and not able to be started up again prior to the completion of maintenance or repair work. It requires that hazardous energy sources be "isolated and rendered ...