The internal ID for this record is lotnumberedinventoryitem. See the SuiteScript Records Browser for all internal IDs associated with this record. Note: For information about using the SuiteScript Records Browser, see Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser in the NetSuite Help Center. For in...
Lot numbered inventory items track the purchase, stock, and sale of groups of items by assigning lot numbers. Lot numbered item records track the quantity of items and the specific cost for each lot as products are purchased and sold.For information about using lot numbered items in the UI,...
NetSuite Applications SuiteUnable to load Table of ContentsSelling and Fulfilling Lot Numbered ItemsOn sales transactions in the Item field, you can select a lot item from the inventory list by entering the item name or lot number. When a lot number is entered, the item name autofills in th...
When you receive lot numbered inventory from vendors, you can enter a memo or custom information about the item. To do so, click the Open icon next to the Lot number when viewing an item receipt. After you enter information in custom item number fields, you can search for items on sales...
The SuiteApp supports lot numbered assembly and inventory items. Transaction Types The SuiteApp works when you add new lots in the following transaction types: Purchase order Item receipt Receive inbound shipment Work order completion Assembly build Outsourced manufacturing Note: When you ins...
If you use the Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management feature, lot numbered assembly items include data from the Inventory Detail subrecord. This subrecord includes quantity on hand and quantity available values per lot number, and if applicable, per bin number. ...
NetSuite Applications SuiteUnable to load Table of ContentsEnabling Lot Numbered InventoryAn administrator can use the following procedure to enable the Lot Tracking feature.To enable Lot Tracking feature:Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features. ...
NetSuite Applications SuiteOrigin Information in Assembly and Lot Numbered Items for BrazilNote: To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.The place of origin of an item can be relevant for taxation, electronic invo...
For lot numbered items, the SuiteApp commits and assigns lots. For nonlot items, the SuiteApp makes only commitments. TheLocationfield, if available at line level of a sales order, must not be empty. The SuiteApp assumes that the sales order always aligns with the corresponding item fulfillm...