These raids resulted in no lost-time incidents, but a USN carrier was damaged by an IJN submarine torpedo off Hawaii (USS Saratoga) and another carrier sunk by bombs from Japanese aircraft near Java in the Netherlands East Indies (USS Langley). ...
Lost’s most ruthless demonstration of its willingness to bump off key characters comes in this installment, when three of its beloved principles — Sayid, Sun, and Jin — die on an exploding submarine. The scene in which Sun and Jin refuse to leave each other as they drown is wrenching ...
G rampa Tito may still around but David Reyes is nowhere to be found in Hugo’s FS. Could he have been on the Island when it sunk or was he always “destined” to take off. H ugo… everybody loves him. “You know who doesn’t love you… a WOMAN!” A (hopefully not) last ...
a tiny island off the coast of Mauritius, the Round Island Burrowing Boa preferred to live on the topsoil layers of volcanic slopes. It was once found on several other islands around Mauritius, but its population had dwindled by the 1940s, and it could only be found on Round Island after...
To find a summit that matched the Paramount logo, Spielberg dispatched producer Frank Marshall all over Hawaii where they were shooting the opening scene in order to get the right one. Needless to say they found a picture perfect peak, and the shot lives on as the opening of the film. 9...
Go in a submarine Have 15 minutes of fame Stand on top of a mountain Experience a white Christmas Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef Visit the Bolivian salt flats Spend all day in a hammock on the beach Photograph the Milky Way Live in another country Go to an Arsenal match Stay at an ...
He returned to the film board in 1961 after working with George Dunning, the future director of “Yellow Submarine.” Munro went on to work on two other Oscar-nominated films “My Financial Career,” a funny take on the Stephen Leacock short story, and “Christmas Cracker,” which he also...
Go in a submarine Have 15 minutes of fame Stand on top of a mountain Experience a white Christmas Snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef Visit the Bolivian salt flats Spend all day in a hammock on the beach Photograph the Milky Way Live in another country Go to an Arsenal match Stay at an ...