Total Case Incident Rate (OSHA Recordable Incident Rate) TCIR Number of OSHA recordable incidents (injuries and illnesses) per 100 full-time employees. (Number of OSHA Recordable Cases × 200,000) / Total Hours Worked Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate TRIFR Number of fatalities, lost time ...
Reduce your lost time incident rates with PTC solutions Keep frontline workers safe by helping them understand how equipment is performing in the plant or the field in a single view. Connect IT and OT systems and gain the full data visibility you need to identify, solve, and prevent problems...
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) Fluctuations in the volume of each commodity produced or marketed by Glencore could materially impact Glencore’s business, results of operations and earnings. 造成重大影響。該等波動可能導致Glencore營銷活動的銷售收入減少或增加,或Glencore行 業資產所...
COMMONIf youloseyourcool, you suddenly get angry and behave in a bad-tempered or uncontrolled way.At this point, I lost my cool and shouted `for goodness sake, stop!'`Why don't you sit down and have a drink?' — `I don't want a drink,' Anne replied, losing her cool. ...
The other lost-time incident during the Invasion of Iwo Jima was due to a collision of a carrier with an oiler. Invasion of Okinawa (Mar-July 1945). The invasion of Okinawa and related raids resulted in 37 lost-time incidents. Ten of these were due to extreme weather, almost all from ...
McClane does his best to alert other authorities to the plight of those in Nakatomi Plaza, first by triggering a fire alarm (which is detected and deactivated by the terrorists) and then by reaching out to the police, using an emergency frequency on a radio he commandeered from a fallen ter...
Weinrib (1968) 151–153 maintains that his time schedule was so tight that he must have been writing the Suasoriae and the Historiesat the same time. The Lost Histories of the Elder Seneca (1972) period.23 But at Gaius’s accession there was a brief period of libertas...
) Finally, while the Internet wins any argument over frequency, it's arguable that celebrity magazines offer a degree of reach that even the dominant websites should envy. The best way to view this is via the language of the web, where many celebrity magazine "page views" dwarf web page ...
Rank was found to be the major correlate of an aggressive incident result. If it is possible to identify low-ranking females with some beneficial trait (independent of rank), it would be interesting to follow such females’ inclusive reproductive success along time, and even more so, the ...
What is the overall importance of the frequency of the use of it, if any? For his son’s life, Dogen left for the Island forever to do a new”job”. What was this work and the ability that he had to keep Smocke from entering the Temple ( and that he had to be killed over it...