I too, have enjoyed reading the “Tabby” book, and have had my students do cat illustrations, based on the story. She was always a big part in everyone’s life. A comforting thought would be that knowing that she and her sister Betty are in the spirit world together. (from M & B....
Cat MESSAGE FROM OWNER Missing Brownish with Black-Stripes Tabby,,, He could be anywhere in Mobile. We fear that he was relocated by a neighbor. He is FEARLESS, Laid-back and Friendly to ANYONE. He could have been picked-up and RE-LOCATED ANYWHERE in MOBILE.,,, being SO QUIET and TRU...
Last year I lost my cat Gattino. He was very young, at seven months barely an adolescent. He is probably dead but I don’t know for certain. For two weeks after he disappeared people claimed to have seen him; I trusted two of the claims because Gattino was blind in one eye, and bo...
that it was our Floyde looking sleepily out of the van’s window, wondering where she was. Our cat-dog. The man who found her was very dear. Refused the reward. But I made him take it. He had a good heart. After all, he met me at 1 am. And he had been kind to a stray d...
she found a deceased tabby cat in the middle of the freeway and bravely ran out into the lanes and brought it back so we could identify it. It wasn’t Pistol, but we were still shaken. The odds of a cat making it across the freeway safely were extremely poor. Even so, I followed...
By the way, if you lose your cat, there’s a sister site calledTabbyTracker.com.
but no-one ever found out who did it... The stork flew off with Ariel to a magical waterfall inside of a cave. It was a blue moon that night and a portal was opened in the falls. Mersandra came to warn me about the bird being missing, but when we got to the springs..." he...