一、lose 意为“遗失,丢失”,表示找不到某人或某物,例如:She lost her child in the crowd on her way to the main station.她在去中心车站的路上在人群中与孩子走散了。那么 I lost you 在这个意思下就是“我与你走散了”,因此它不是“我失去你”的意思。二、lose 意为“损失,丧失,失去”,表...
只有正确理解了 lose 的用法,才能彻底明白 I lost you 的真正意思。Lose 的意思不少,但后面能接人的意思主要有以下几种: 一、lose 意为“遗失,丢失”,表示找不到某人或某物,例如: She lost her child in the crowd to the main station. 她在去中心车站的路上在人群中与孩子走散了。 那么I lost you ...
其实不全是 Lose 是一个常见的不规则及物动词之一,对应的过去式和过去分词都是 lost,因为它有“失去”的意思,所以 I lost you 名正言顺被理解为“我失去你”,然而 I lost you 的实际意思远不止这个,或者说“我失去你”这个意思都很含糊。 只有正确理解了 lose 的用法,才能彻底明白 I lost you 的真正意思...
and The Greyhound. I’d passed another lost pub on the way to the Black Lion, The Railway Tavern opposite Plaistow tube station. Tweedy talked about Plaistow residentLuke Howardwho came up with the naming convention for clouds, although in the comments people are very keen to point out that...
She lost her child in the crowd on her way to the main station.她在去中心车站的路上在人群中与孩子走散了。 那么I lost you 在这个意思下就是“我与你走散了”,因此它不是“我失去你”的意思。 二、lose 意为“损失,丧失,失去”,表示因事故、年老、死亡等失去某人或某物,例如: ...
Van wat een gewone ochtend thuis lijkt tot een typische middag in het park, zul je al snel merken dat je op een wervelende zoektocht bent terwijl je een goblin kasteel binnensluipt, oude ruïnes verkent en op een reusachtige ooievaar zweeft. Lost in Play neemt je mee in een nostalgi...
Countless words have changed or even lost meanings over time. This list has a collection of common words who's old meanings have all but disappeared.
The following discourteous exchange takes place at the beginning of Scene 7 (Act 2, Sc. 2) in the courtyard to the earl of Gloucester's stronghold where the earl of Kent, an elderly noble, and loyal subject of the king – although armed, he is disguised as a commoner in this scene ...
Terwijl je de diepten van de slecht verlichte kerkers van Lost Ruin verkent, zul je merken dat alles om je heen je dood kan betekenen, maar dat je de omgeving om je heen ook in je voordeel kunt gebruiken. Elementen in de wereld reageren realistisch op andere elementen. Brandbare vl...
In life, timing is everything. Twenty-four hours earlier and thanks to a flooded tunnel in Kent, I could have been staring down the barrel of another New Year’s Eve in my flat. Instead, I am sitting at my favourite café inRue Mouffetard,one of the oldest streets in Paris, and ther...