Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 6 "These Cows Will Not Be Lost" … 247 Lamb, Gary. 1994. Community Supported Agriculture: Can It Become the Basis for a New Associative Economy? The Threefold Review (Summer/Fall), Issue 11. The Margaret Fuller Corporation.
9. Gertrud Guillaume-Schack, “Über unsere sittlichen Verhältnisse und die Bestrebungen und Ar-beiten des Britisch-Continentalen und Allgemeinen Bundes,” in Marie-Louise Janssen-Jurreit, Frauen und Sexualmoral (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, 1986), 61. Guillaume-Schack’s ideas found few ...
(2014). EVERS, Meindert Proust's In Search of Lost Time: The History of a Vocation Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, 2013. 206 pp., 29.80, ISBN 978-3-631-62931-4. Modern & Contemporary France: Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 406-407. doi:...
The masses do not seek to be a “proletariat,” or to conform to any other intellectual construction. This was clear by the time of the Frankfurt School, which was responding in its own way, that the masses wanted to improve themselves economically by their own means, i.e., becoming “b...
he taught at Musikhochschule Frankfurt, at the Hoch Conservatory and at the University of Frankfurt. He founded various concert series and generally supported music in the Rhine-Main area, took part in radio and TV broadcasts and fought for the Hoch Conservatory not to be merged with other ins...
The fallback plan is that our Vaishnava community would have a place for the cows. We envision a (Indian) nationwide system of regional cow shelters [connected to the several other ISKCON projects around India], in places where land is less expensive, and ideally where there are forests nearb...
doi:10.1080/09639489.2014.889104Li, ShuaggyiModern & Contemporary France
Biotopkartierung of the city of Frank-furt am MainAn updated list of the vascular plants of the city of Frankfurt am Main has been produced by theauthors and made available as download ( relevant collections in the Herbarium Senckenbergianum...
M. Luthers sammtliche Werke (Erlangen/Frankfurt: Heyder & Zimmer, 1826–1857). See (Luther 1826–1857). 14 Note the mistaken use of ex nobis for extra nos throughout Hartog (2023), as well as the unusual form extra nobis appearing in the “Dedication” of the book (p. vii). 15 ...