Ever since an insomniac, lovelorn Sappho looked up at the moon, Greek lyric poetry has echoed her register of gluko-pikron: the sweet-bitterness of longing. We open our mouths because we desire. Open Bathed in Moonlight to any page and you'll find the language of desire suffused by the...
But don't blame Turnstile for the success that gave them such opportunities. It would've never happened without GLOW ON, the invigorating parent album to the song in question, "Holiday," which features insightful lyrics about losing oneself that run contrary to its craven corporate use. "Beau...
“He used to come into the bowling alley to bet on the matches,” Jablonski remembers fondly. “I'm pretty sure he has one song where he references it, called ‘Easy Money’ ”— with the lyrics “Take me to the action / Take me to the track / Take me to a party if they’re ...
I’ll get this out of the way right up front: the lyrics on this album feel like fake angst to me. But her uncanny ability to create epic soundtracks for love gone bad and convince me to care about her fractured, angry heart with her husky, soaring vocals are a kind of beguilement ...
"Did you ever look at a dollar bill, man?" stoner Slater asks in Dazed and Confused. "There's some spooky shit going on there." The same could be said of Ratt's expansive and confusing Reach for the Sky cover art, which features a Greek-style statue, a wicker chair and a hand re...
‘Sing, O goddess …’), the vast majority of Greek poetry was meant to be sung, usually with instrumental accompaniment. Though now encountered mostly in dusty books, Hesiod’s epic genealogy of the gods, Sappho’s erotic verses, Alcaeus’ lyrics, Pindar’s odes, even some portions of ...
provides fully online access to a serious but low-impact arena for learning, whether you are interested in building a systematic course of study or just pursuing eclectic interests.” Take a class inOld English, studyThe Silmarillionwith Tolkien experts & fellow fans, or maybe even learn Greek!
later seizing Jerusalem. To commemorate that victory, in 23 B.C. Herod decided to build a palace-fortress on the site where he fought. Enslaved people were brought in to do the heavy labor, and the skilled work of stucco and frescoes was carried out by Greek or Roman craftsmen. ...
InSamsonAgonistes,aversedramamodelledontheGreektragedy,MiltonpresentstousapictureofhowSamson,theIsrael’smightychion,bringsdestructiondownupontheenemyatthecostofhisownlife. ParadiseLost,theonlygenerallyacknowledgedepicinEnglishsinceBeowulf,isMilton’shighestachievement.ThepoemnarratestheprocessoftheFallofManandtraces...
Paradise_Lost失乐园 JohnMilton ParadiseLost:BookI TimClifford JohnMilton 1608-1674 Bornintobourgeoisclass Proclaimedthathewouldwritea“greatEnglishEpic”Self-appointedpropheticbardStudiedindependentlyforsixyears StronglysupportedthePuritanReformationWrotewithstrongindependenceandonavarietyof...