That's how I'm lookin' at you, there's an obstacle in everything It's all natural, I'm keepin' it pilin' Keepin' heat with the silencers Learnin' Greek and Italian, speak with kings while dinin' Good with hyenas, meanin' it's hood when it's time for ridin' ...
Ever since an insomniac, lovelorn Sappho looked up at the moon, Greek lyric poetry has echoed her register of gluko-pikron: the sweet-bitterness of longing. We open our mouths because we desire. Open Bathed in Moonlight to any page and you'll find the language of desire suffused by the...
Long & Lost lyrics Lost in the fog, these hollow hills Blood running hot, night chills Without your love I'll be So long and lost, are you missing me? Is it too late to come on home? Are all those bridges now old stone? Is it too late to come on home? Can the city forgive?
But don't blame Turnstile for the success that gave them such opportunities. It would've never happened without GLOW ON, the invigorating parent album to the song in question, "Holiday," which features insightful lyrics about losing oneself that run contrary to its craven corporate use. "Beauty...
(Damon Santostefano’s 2004Bring it On Again), the tracks demonstrate some degree of that range. A number of songs on the album feature lyrics that are stunningly beautiful, while at least two are a bit too ‘on the nose’ for my liking (see ‘Pillar of Souls’ and ‘You Give Death...
‘Sing, O goddess …’), the vast majority of Greek poetry was meant to be sung, usually with instrumental accompaniment. Though now encountered mostly in dusty books, Hesiod’s epic genealogy of the gods, Sappho’s erotic verses, Alcaeus’ lyrics, Pindar’s odes, even some portions of ...
"Did you ever look at a dollar bill, man?" stoner Slater asks in Dazed and Confused. "There's some spooky shit going on there." The same could be said of Ratt's expansive and confusing Reach for the Sky cover art, which features a Greek-style statue, a wicker chair and a hand re...
Paradise_Lost失乐园 JohnMilton ParadiseLost:BookI TimClifford JohnMilton 1608-1674 Bornintobourgeoisclass Proclaimedthathewouldwritea“greatEnglishEpic”Self-appointedpropheticbardStudiedindependentlyforsixyears StronglysupportedthePuritanReformationWrotewithstrongindependenceandonavarietyof...
Try this, read Romans 7, then stop. Don’t turn the page, don’t read past the last verse and skip on to chapter 8. It’s not a happy ending. The first letters and gospels that were penned in greek didn’t have paragraphs, didn’t have numbers for easy reference. People passed ...
InSamsonAgonistes,aversedramamodelledontheGreektragedy,MiltonpresentstousapictureofhowSamson,theIsrael’smightychion,bringsdestructiondownupontheenemyatthecostofhisownlife. ParadiseLost,theonlygenerallyacknowledgedepicinEnglishsinceBeowulf,isMilton’shighestachievement.ThepoemnarratestheprocessoftheFallofManandtraces...