Derek_PetersonlikejadoooplayerI did not request that anything related to Learn be deleted. The only Microsoft resource that I have deleted in the time period was my Microsoft 365 Developer Program profile, in the expectation that might allow me to rejoin the Develope...
This method empowers you to construct the project right from within the terminal, negating the requirement for a rooted device or SD Card. Outlined below are the directives for installing the project using OpenBLAS and CLBlast. This combination is specifically designed to deliver peak performance on...
It probably got caught up in binge-watching a show or doom-scrolling on social media. It is tough to keep track of the hours but it’s mostly our fault, let’s admit. Time flies (and flees) when you're not looking. Getting stuff done would be easier if we weren’t such a distrac...
reddit –Context:… In avideoof the artist conducting a Spirit dinner in 1997, she uses a thick, red, liquid substance — bubbling at the top of a bucket — to scrawl unsettling phrases and commands on a white wall. ...
We got through security and had our last Dunkin Donuts meal (“seeya Boston!”), and boarded the flight to Miami. I was really happy I had changed my seats to an exit row – I was able to stretch out my legs and doze for most of the 3 hour flight down. There were a couple ...
Solution 1. Disable Ad Blocker This is only applicable for those of you who have your phone rooted and Ad blocker installed on Android. It is very common for Android users to root their phone to gain more control and options and over your Android phone. Once you are sure that you have ...
Libreddit ⚠ - Private front-end for Reddit written in Rust. AGPL-3.0 Rust Loomio - Loomio is a collaborative decision-making tool that makes it easy for anyone to participate in decisions which affect them. (Source Code) AGPL-3.0 Ruby Mastodon - Federated microblogging server, an alternative...
Android O's Dev Team Held a Reddit AMA, Here is What They Said Aug 02 , 2017 July iOS 11 Public Beta: How to Download and What to Expect Jul 24 , 2017OnePlus 5 Hands on Review: Specs, Dual Camera, Battery Jul 19 , 2017Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (Fan Edition) is Back! DON'T Buy ...
hmm I hear several people saying how they use iDisk and it's invaluable to them. I get that its a great service, as I once used it heavily myself. But what...