SO glad that one of my favorite ever lo-fi indie folk heroes re-discovered his downstrum mojo after a few middling efforts. While not quite up to his Sebadoh/Sentridoh-era rueful perfection, each song here is a solid contribution to his catalog. (NOTE: he’s on the outside looking at ...
ROLAND My father’s .600 Nitro Express. Made in 1904. Karimojo Bell gave it to him after he took down his last elephant. 8700 foot pounds of striking force, each barrel. LUDLOW How close do you have to be? ROLAND Forty yards. Less, maybe. I assume it’ll take a slug in the ...
Director: Matt Eskey, Producers: Sal Owen, Eva Radke On a bicycle trip across the country, a young Neill Kirby McMillan Jr. experiences The Mojo Revelation. After teaming up with the enigmatic Skid Roper, he unexpectedly finds mainstream success but faces a decision that could jeopardize his ca...
Fora guythe beloved thing is his girlfriend (or even his boyfriend), fora sys adminit’s therootkit‘d File Server (he spend days and mojo building). And you gotta get separated for sure… TheRelationship/Serveris no good anymore. It actually doesmore harm than good… ...
Without having the structure of a lifestyle transformation plan, I’d lost my gym mojo; feeling lost without the regiment of the classes or someone (even a booking system) to be held accountable to. (Little did I know the absence of IRL classes and training was soon to temporaril...
I think it's time to buy a new Mac :) but before I do I'd like to try and make my Old Faithful 2013 model get back some of its mojo. My problem: Macintosh HD shows 1 TB size, 170 GB available, 820 GB used. The odd part is yesterday I spent hours deleting old files that ...
1 movie in North America for a second weekend after earning an additional $35.7 million in receipts, announced Sunday. Coming in at No. 2 is A Star is Born with $28 million, followed by First Man at No. 3 with $16.5 million, Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween at No....
mojopaste - Perl based pastebin. (Demo, Source Code) Artistic-2.0 Perl MokinToken - Clientside encrypted pastebin using tweetnacl. Unlicense PHP Opengist - Self-hosted pastebin powered by Git. (Demo) AGPL-3.0 Docker/Go/Nodejs paaster - Paaster is a secure by default end-to-end encrypted...
SO glad that one of my favorite ever lo-fi indie folk heroes re-discovered his downstrum mojo after a few middling efforts. While not quite up to his Sebadoh/Sentridoh-era rueful perfection, each song here is a solid contribution to his catalog. (NOTE: he’s on the outside looking at...