Kelly finds a log book on the shelf in front of him. She RIPS the velcro straps off and opens it. KELLY Look in here. CUT TO: 69 EXT JUNGLE NIGHT The AAV SLAPS through the jungle foliage. From inside the car, we can hear the baby tyrannosaur SCREAMING in anger. 70 INT AAV...
He said my head was turning the same colour as my eyes. He knitted this for my head and said it could be a tea cosy if I liked and a hat whenever I wanted. But I told him a house elf cannot have clothes. I wouldn’t be his Poggle anymore.” Lindsay sat on the wobbly stool ...
Braids of rope frame a cabinet, which houses a paddle for that proverbial creek; an hourglass with sand running out and a life preserver to keep ones head above the water. Overseeing these articles shelters an open logbook that can display the names of all ”Bermudians lost at sea,” alte...