In this new game in the Lost Lands series, you play as the top student of the Academy of Magic who, alongside an unexpected partner, embarks on an adventure filled with hidden objects, mini-games, puzzles, unforgettable characters, and complex quests to track the mysterious beast and form t...
Lost Lands: the Golden Curse is an adventurous hidden object game-quest with puzzles and mini-games scattered through the boundless spaces of the fantasy world – from the volcano valleys to the Druid forest, from the deep caves to the floating islands. ...
Lost Lands 1: Dark Overlord FIVE-BN STUDIO 动作与冒险、拼图与趣味 官方俱乐部 7+ 恐惧 游戏内购买 恶魔带走了你的儿子!为了寻找迷失的土地,找到充满神秘色彩的地方! 失落的土地:黑暗霸主 - 一个冒险的隐藏的对象游戏与拼图和迷你游戏的追求,讲述了一个令人惊叹的幻想世界充满了未知的角落和神秘...
传奇人物苏珊回到了失落大陆!一艘幽灵船,一个邪恶的领主,一个充满神秘的岛屿,奇异的旅途从未停止。 《迷失大陆:流浪者》是一款奇幻世界冒险游戏,游戏中有许多隐藏的线索、迷你游戏和千奇百怪的谜题。 “多年来,《失落大陆》的水手和海盗一直在谈论一艘在风暴中心
FIVE-BN GAMES delivers the next amazing adventure in the Lost Lands series!After working so diligently to maintain order in the Lost Lands, Susan finds herself returning home when a dangerous relic is discovered on Earth!However, because of the time difference between the two worlds, Susan … ...
Match all of the images correctly in order to solve the puzzle. Lost Lands – The Four Horsemen – Flower Use yourKnifeto retrieve theFlower. Travel to Mountgore’s Temple. Hand the flower to the spirit of Mountgore. Use theYield Removerto retrieve theApplefrom the tree above. ...
An unknown entity prowls the valleys and destroys everything in its path. Only a strong team of friends can cope with it. “Lost Lands: Stories of the First Brotherhood” is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects, with plenty of mini-games and puzzles, unforgettable characters an...
For years now, the sailors and pirates of the Lost Lands have been talking about a ghostly ship sailing in the heart of a storm. This vision disappears as soon as it comes to life, yet witnesses still spread rumors... About a huge octopus traveling with the ship. About its owner, the...
Some creature has carried your son off into the portal! Set off for the search to the Lost Lands full of mysteries! Lost Lands: Dark Overlord - an adventurous hidden object game-quest with puzzles and mini-games that tells a story about the stunning f
Lost Lands: RedemptionFive-BN Games delivers the next amazing adventure in the Lost Lands series!After working so diligently to maintain order in the Lost Lands, Susan finds herself returning home when a dangerous relic is discovered on Earth!However, because of the time difference between the ...