Plot: Life in the Lost Lands has continued peacefully for several decades since the oppression of the Black Horsemen was finally put to rest. But now, stone demon statues have begun coming to life in an abandoned old fort. The locals are panicking. No one suspects that an ancient curse has...
Lost Lands: Dark Overlord (free to play) Fantasy Violence, Mild Language In-Game Purchases Nintendo Switch Susan had just stepped away to answer the phone, but when she returned she saw something pulling her son Jimmy through a shimmering portal. It closed before she could pull him back. To...
恶魔带走了你的儿子!为了寻找迷失的土地,找到充满神秘色彩的地方! 失落的土地:黑暗霸主 - 一个冒险的隐藏的对象游戏与拼图和迷你游戏的追求,讲述了一个令人惊叹的幻想世界充满了未知的角落和神秘的居民 年轻的母亲和她的儿子正要离开他们在树林里的小屋。苏珊的
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Some creature has carried your son off into the portal! Set off for the search to the Lost Lands full of mysteries! Lost Lands: Dark Overlord - an adventurous hidden object game-quest with puzzles and mini-games that tells a story about the stunning f
“Lost Lands: Sand Captivity” is an adventure game in the genre of Hidden Objects, with plenty of mini-games and puzzles, unforgettable characters and complicated quests.After the peace in the Lost Lands was restored, Susan decided to restore her own world. She had become a dedicated mother...
Time! How infinitely long and how fleeting it is ... And dangerous when you try to turn it back!
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On the way, she will face lots of puzzles and mysteries, as well as the mysterious inhabitants of the Lost Lands. To bring Jimmy back she will have to win a victory over the Dark Overlord who's keeping the world in fear! Will the mother in despair be able to save her child and ...