Lost in Space: Created by Irwin Allen, Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless. With Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Maxwell Jenkins, Taylor Russell. After crash-landing on an alien planet, the Robinson family fight against all odds to survive and escape, but they're s
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所属专辑:迷于星际 Lost in Trek 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 三位心忧天下的宝宝从如何卖星际迷航安利讲到星际迷航给自己洗进脑袋的国际主义精神。 本期节目录制于20181223,主播:CrazyEMH\|玖凉豆浆机\|胡子 ——— 00:07:47 PolitiScale 政治测试,其中有量表反应国际主义/民族主义倾向。 00:17:46 "A Taste of...
S1.E13 ∙ Genesis Revisited Thu, Jan 8, 1998 Evidence of a civilization ruled by emissaries from another world are revealed in the ancient tablets of man. Historian and Archeologist Zecharia Sitchin uncovers the lost and hidden archives of the Annunaki: Extra-planetary visitors who over 6,000...
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Lost in Space: Created by Irwin Allen, Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless. With Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Maxwell Jenkins, Taylor Russell. After crash-landing on an alien planet, the Robinson family fight against all odds to survive and escape, but they're s
S1.E45 ∙ Journey's End: Part 3 Sat, Dec 18, 1999 Trapped on a desolate moon in the ruins of Terra Venture, Leo faces Trakeena all alone. 8.3/10(226) Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap
S3.E10 ∙ The Rosemariners Wed, Sep 19, 2012 The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe find themselves on an almost deserted space lab. Earth Station 454 is being closed down, mothballed, its staff relocated. Years of research and co-operation are coming to an end and only distinguished xeno-botantist...
https://trekin.space 听众交流群:QQ群号 591546843 新浪微博:@迷于星际播客 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 1 CM10 发现号S1E10评论音轨-CrazyEMH&Lai&逻辑肠&大腐 22802018-12 2 CM9 发现号S1E09评论音轨-CrazyEMH&Lai&逻辑肠&大腐 12112018-12 3 CM8 发现号S1...
Lost in Space: Creato da Irwin Allen, Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless. Con Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Maxwell Jenkins, Taylor Russell. Dopo un atterraggio disastroso su un pianeta alieno, la famiglia Robinson lotta contro ogni probabilità di sopravvivenza