Lost in Space: Created by Irwin Allen, Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless. With Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Maxwell Jenkins, Taylor Russell. After crash-landing on an alien planet, the Robinson family fight against all odds to survive and escape, but they're s
I like the early episodes of the original series (particulary the first six), when the show had a more serious tone (and before Jonathan Harris sabotaged it by turning up the comic antics as Dr. Smith) and it's nice to see the film stay closer to that serious tone and not emulate ...
Will and The Robot Show". While the latter held some appeal for younger children, a serious adventure in space was missed. Aside from the first half-dozen episodes of the first season (made up mostly of film shot for the pilot), the series became more camp comedy - influenced, according...
Lost in Space season 3 is finally coming to Netflix in December 2021, with all ten episodes arriving on December 1st. Here’s an updated guide to everything we know so far about Lost in Space season 3. The excellent sci-fi series serves as a reboot for the original TV series that ran...
Milan Records will release a new soundtrack album for the Netflix original series Lost in Space. The album features selections of the original music from the sh
Lost In Space: The Art of Juan Ortiz is now available for pre-order! This book contains all the retro-styled posters for all 84 of the classic Lost In Space episodes. The artwork may look familiar, as Juan Ortiz has also created posters for the original Star Trek series as well. ...
so I’m not going to go back and troll through all those episodes. But it’s trying to be respectful to the original, in that it’s the same premise, but make it for a new audience. You know, if we tried to remake the original, everybody’d just be like *honks nose* tur...
In recent years, Netflix has proven itself to be a friendly environment for creative creatures — and not just the human kind. Two of the streaming service’s most popular original series,Stranger ThingsandLost in Space, feature impressive nonhuman characters that have fueled nightmares, inspired ...
"Lost in Space" will consist of 10 episodes, which will begin streaming April 13 on Netflix.
Lost in Space When I was very young in the early 70s, I remember coming home after school and watching afternoon TV, a lot of syndicated shows from the 60s. One of those shows was the originalStar Trek, in the early years of its syndication run that would pull it out of oblivion and...