Sailes between worlds & worlds, with steddie wing Now on the polar windes, then with quick Fann Winnows the buxom Air; till within soare Of Towring Eagles, to all the Fowles he seems A PHOENIX, gaz'd by all, as that sole Bird When to enshrine his reliques in the Sun's Bright Te...
【stoyug___you saieneryghe meeting des疑半信半es a bright futu烧中火怒or the company.【久地长天】It remains to b服诚悦心en___the ne图计统 formed committeesdilahicy can be put情客动风秋上江ractice.【小题33)HO(lA___struck me 尾摆头摇 in the movie wa数理无he ...
Reporting on the grand opening of the penultimate section of the Transindochinois in January 1936,La Croixnewspaper praised the “modern wagons couchettes (sleeping cars) and restaurant cars, constructed entirely in the railway ateliers at Truong-Thi near Vinh, the comfort and sober elegance of whi...
Sh e then sai d tha t sh e h a d cancer an d coul d cat rery little, 45 th e occasional ??ice-cream.T h e nezt evening, I deci d e d to buy two ice-creams.On th e way to Dad's room, I stopp e d in at th e 46woman's room, and47 her th e ice-cream I' d...
( ) as T o d d Brow n, who was delighte d to "hav e a littl e fun" wi th helping out a hard-working stranger."I saw h e was just a kid, 20 years old.H e h a d a paycheck in there, so I ( ), "W ell, he's doing his best to mak e ends meet.'"sai d Brown...
Imagind Lands and Regions in the Moon: Or Pilot from amidst the CYCLADES DELOS or SAMOS first appeering kenns A cloudy spot. Down thither72 prone73 in flight He speeds, and through the vast Ethereal Skie Sailes between worlds & worlds, with steddie wing Now on the polar windes, then ...