Lost in Translation: Directed by Sofia Coppola. With Scarlett Johansson, Bill Murray, Akiko Takeshita, Kazuyoshi Minamimagoe. A fading movie star falls for a lonely young woman in Tokyo.
With the tension between Walter’s real life and his daydreams established even before the opening credits, the movie settles into a basic rhythm that continues throughout the first act, before illusions and reality merge with predictably saccharine results. Walter’s non-imaginary world doesn’t...
And once Carl Schenkel, the director, overcomes an early tendency to use the camera like a carousel, "Tarzan and the Lost City" zips along, past the ritual lions, elephants and cobras to the city of Opar and its temple of illusions, tunnels and traps, and right to the inevitable satisf...
It would have really added more depth if there were more illusions in those parts instead of recycling material。 Again, I really enjoyed my experience reading this book and would read it again。 I want to also make that clear。 Before reading this book, I didn't think I had any ...