Transport for London has confirmed that Uber has lost its London licence which expires on September 30, but can continue operating as it appeals.
222 drivers have lost licence on 12 penalty pointsDavid Labanyi
Whether due to increasing life expectancy or increases in the etiological drivers of these conditions, such as obesity, they appear to be representing a diversification of diabetes-related complications and contributing to a high burden of multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs; or multimorbidity), ...
we were told to move our cars on. All of a sudden the little white bit of paper wasn’t important anymore. We had worked out you had to fill in your licence plate number and later found out we also had to add the car manufacturer and the number of seats,...
This paper examines the impact of the Spanish Environmental Investment (EI) tax credit on adoption of green technologies by employing data from 2567 industrial firms for 6 years. It makes use of the sudden re-introduction of the tax incentive in March 2011, that aimed at favouring energy ...
(Black2001,2002; Haines2011b.). The frontline approach also questions a narrow approach to compliance where the core drivers of compliance come from state regulatory authorities, underplaying the role of other organizations and processes, and the broader political context (Tombs and Whyte2013; Black...
To view a copy of this licence, visit Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Guelmami, A. Large-scale mapping of existing and lost wetlands: Earth Observation data and tools to support restoration in the Sebou and Medjerda ...