Bryan J. CuevasFour Syllables for Slaying and Repelling:A Tibetan Vajrabhairava Practice fromRecently Recovered Manuscripts of the“Lost”Book of Rwa(Rwa pod)1 IntroductionIn 2001, the late Elliot Sperling published a brief but incisive article entitled“‘Orientalism’and Aspects of Violence in the...
'A missed opportunity,' was how the book's editor, Professor Klaus Zimmermann from Bonn University, who helped draft the chapter on Germany, described Berlin's policy at a talk in Washington on 23 July. Germany and Austria are the only two EU countries that still close their labour market ...
From the book Gallien in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter Simon T. Loseby this Share this Lost cities The end of the civitas-system in Frankish Gaul Simon T. Loseby When the Merovingian kings Guntram and Childebert II met at Andelot late in ...
它使我有理由和空闲来做这种跟专业基本不靠边的翻译。Rudolf Kassel出色的肃剧佚文研究综述[1]至August Meineke而止。以下则由我们这样经验不足之人来谈谈19-20世纪的研究状况。一、Nauck以前被Kassel综述置于最后的August MEINEKE(1790-1870)[2]也许可被称为古希腊戏剧辑佚之祖(the grandfather of dramatic fragments...