Newport Beach . My name is Justin jones on Fri I went to boat parade and dropped my wallet in parking lot of pier...more. LOSTGold link bracelet Reward $2,000.00California . The item I lost was a gold bracelet thick and heavy. They look like little change that connect them...more....
Published in 1982; 3126 copies printed. Kesterton’s name doesn’t appear in the index of Joshi’s 1999 book, and the book title’s page number listed in the index is incorrect. Joshi’s also quite dismissive of the book and author in his note, calling it a “‘Slushpile’ submission ...
Behind his house in a residential neighborhood in Austin, TX, Vince Hanneman has been building his aptly named Cathedral of Junk going on over 25 years. Most art environments are built using reclaimed materials, found in the surrounding area. Including broken plates or shells used to craft mosai...
WALES: Fisher Men Lost in Fog Rescued from Dee Sandbank; Lifeboat Called out to Marooned Boat