While that title is impressive, the numbers behind it are even more so. The current king of concurrent players of all time on Steam isPUBG: Battlegrounds, which has an all-time concurrent player peak of over 3 million.Lost Ark, comparatively, has had less than half that many players at i...
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On January 5 (Thu), Smilegate RPG (CEO Won-gil Ji) announced that Korea’s iconic MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), LOST ARK had won three awards in ‘Best of 2022’ announced by the world’s largest gaming platform, Steam. For the ‘Best of 2022,’ Steam select...
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Lost Ark controls: How to change them Lost Ark mokoko seeds:Where to find them Wondering which class to play in Lost Ark? You might think there isn't much to choose from at first glance, but each main class has multiple sub-classes. While each of these is based on that class's speci...
What are engravings in Lost Ark? First, there are two main kinds: class and battle. Battle engravings are general bonuses that can boost your stats, reduce cooldowns, and so on. There are 43 different battle engravings, some of which are balanced by negative side effects. An example is Gru...
Luckily, the Lost Ark free-to-play release time isn’t far off. Pre-loads already began earlier this week, so if you want to be ready the instant servers are open for free-to-play folks, you can start that download right now on Steam. While there have been some issues with ...
这游戏其实值得说道说道,《Lost Skies》是一款以空岛冒险为主轴的开放世界冒险游戏,其前身是 Bossa 团队在 2019 年终止开发的《Worlds Adrift》,这个Worlds Adrift当初宣传时候理念就是全球在线,地图是一个一个空岛,大家可以理解为海贼王的伟大航路,重点是它有个配套的地图编辑现在也可以在steam搜到,有大量很有创意的...