Lost Ark Bard Leveling Bard is a support classmage character. All of her skills are to help teammates, and this makes it slower to level her up as compared to damage-dealing classes. Bard’s single target attacking is weak, but she can deal decent AoE attacks. These AoE attacks are all...
Bards have a Serenade meter that, during the fight, fills by landing attack abilities. Activating Serenade once will cost you one bar and you can store up to three bars at the same time in Lost Ark Bard Class. Serenade is further divided into two types, namely the Serenade of Courage and...
a Bard can play a Serenade at either a 1, 2, or 3 bar potentcy. The number of bars consumed from their identity gauge will simply make them more powerful and last longer. For example,Serenade of Couragewill grant a 5%, 10%, or 15% damage buff for 8, 12, or 16 seconds.Serenade ...
The Bard uses a harp along with musical skills to protect and offensively buff their allies. Bards are able to played with different playstyles that focus on their defensive capabilities, such as damage reduction and healing, or in ways that emphasize their ability to amplify the damage of ...
It’s not easy to pick a class purely based on aesthetics. So I’m here to guide you on the top ten extremely viable classes for solo gameplay in Lost Ark. 10. Artist Artist, the support healer with a brush and ink Like the Bard, the Artist is a n ...
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LOSTARK(ロストアーク) クラス【バード(BARD)】アートワークイメージ图片是MJQJ的原画画板中的相关图片之一的详情图,原画画板共有3908张设计师收藏采集的相关图片素材资源。花瓣网, 设计师寻找灵感的天堂!
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The Bard's Tale [trainer +8] (Pizza)The Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny Knight [cheats]The Bard's Tale 3: The Thief Of Fate [cheats]The Battle for Middle-Earth II Witch King [trainer +5]The Battle of Polytopia [cheats]The Battle Of Sol [cheats]...