The Sorceress is quite a unique class in Lost Ark because she’s the only Mage subclass focused on DPS, the other one being the support subclass Bard. She deals an insane amount of damage in PvE fights, but she’s much harder to play in PvP, where melee classes strive. She’s also ...
and skills. All of these main classes are versatile and cannot be boxed into one specific role. Hence, there are subclasses in each category that excel at particular roles, such as DPS, Support, and Healer, etc. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the best DPS classes in Lost Ark....
[Top 7] Lost Ark Best DPS Class For Max Damage (Latest Patch) If you want to be the hero of every fight and top the leaderboard, check out this Lost Ark DPS tier list. The seven most effective damage-dealing classes are guaranteed to earn you MVP (most valuable player) status after ...
Although DPS classes rule Lost Ark, it’s vital to have characters from Support classes in your team for a smoother progression. Support classes do not boast high damage but often bring crowd control and healing to the table. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the best Support classes ...
In this guide, we’ll be explaining what the Paladin class is, its skillset, along with some of its build that can be used in PvP and PvE modes in Lost Ark. Paladin is one of the support classes in Lost Ark that can easily be confused with a DPS class. ...
Lost Ark classes tier list Best classes for PvP S Tier: Bard, Deadeye, Deathblade, Gunslinger, Paladin A Tier: Berserker, Glaivier, Gunlancer, Shadowhunter, Sorceress B Tier: Artillerist, Destroyer, Striker, Sharpshooter, Wardancer C Tier: Scrapper, Soulfist Best classes for PvE S Tier: Ba...
Deadeye – specializing in mid to long-range combat, Deadeyes are some of the best PvP dueling classes in the game. Their ability to deal loads of damage while providing annoying crowd-controls is what makes this class stand out. Best DPS in Lost Ark ...
You get the chance to try out each of the subclasses before you need to make your decision, so this guide aims to help you narrow things down. Here are the Lost Ark classes, along with the playstyles of each subclass. Warrior (melee) ...
When it comes to choosing a class, you’d want to know which is the best one and so in this guide, we’ll give you the PvE Tier list of all the classes in Lost Ark.
Classes in Lost Ark are divided into DPS synergies and support synergies. While it is possible for some of these roles (such as support) to flex into the other role, it’s considered abnormal and only feasible when someone hugely overgears the content that they’re doing, presuming it’s ...