听不见对方说话了,可能是信号不好/手机快没电了…(总之没法接收到对方了)。 例: Did I lose you? 手机没信号了吗? 在急救的场景中,be losing sb.表示某人的生命体征正在下降,即将去世。 例: We're losing him. 他马上要死了。 注意,如果把sb.换成it,lose it意思又不一样了。 I'm losing it.=我...
我可怜的祖母中风后开始失去理智。I've been so sleep deprived lately that it feels like I've lost my marbles!我最近睡眠不足,感觉要抓狂了!What a silly thing to say! Have you lost your marbles? 说这话真傻,你失去理智了吗?Look at Sally jumping up and down and screaming. Is she losing...
The Lost and Found - Losing It 专辑: Red 歌手:The Lost and Found 还没有歌词哦The Lost and Found - Losing It / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Losing It The Lost and Found 04:06Mac版酷狗音乐已更新 就是歌多 详情 下载
听不见对方说话了,可能是信号不好/手机快没电了…(总之没法接收到对方了)。 例: Did I lose you? 手机没信号了吗? 在急救的场景中,be losing sb.表示某人的生命体征正在下降,即将去世。 例: We're losing him. 他马上要死了。 注意,如果把sb.换成it,lose it意思又不一样了。 I'm losing it.=我...
Summerlee was still so weak that it was an effort for him to stand; but the old man was full of a sort of surly courage which would never admit defeat. A council was held, and it was agreed that we should wait quietly for an hour or two where we were, have our much-nee...
1)I lost it什么意思? I lost it 有三种意思: Wilson说的 I lose it 是我吐了这里的it 是呕吐物(说出来太恶心了) e.g: You look pale!What's wrong?你脸色不太好,怎么了? I felt sick all day and I lost it just now.我今天一整天都不舒服,刚吐了 一个人咬牙切齿地说lose it 表示 我太生...
I had spent two years cultivating this community, and it had become successful very fast, within six months, but I was facing the prospect oflosingit all. 出自-2017年6月阅读原文 First trying physical exercise and dieting, shelostsome weight and discovered an inner strength. ...
动词+ing,如missing之类的,表示动作的持续、伴随以及动作发出者的主动 例如My mother is coming,smiling and talking with my father. 其中smiling和talking是表示伴随主要动作come的伴随动作,这些伴随动作显然持续发生,并且是mother这个主体主动发出的,所以用V+ing的形式。动词+ED,如missed之类的,表示...
1、miss指人们察觉到东西已经丢失,含有可能找回之义。例如:It seems that we have missed our chance.好像我们已失去了机会。2、leave指忘记带了某物,有较强的感情色彩,强调“不在”。例如:He left his keys in his bed.他把钥匙遗忘在床上了。3、.forget指由于记忆上的忽略而对某人或某物...
One of their customers was dying, and her dog, Chloe, neede d a home. Given our recent loss, they asked, might our family be intereste d in adopting her?They h a d to be kidding. After Indigo, we woul d never get another dog. Ever.It h a d just been a few years earlier, ...