lost and found office失物招领箱 in a hurry匆匆忙忙 leave v.丢下;遗忘 plane n.飞机 taxi n.出租车 why adv.为什么 airplane n.机场;航空港 hundred num.百 hundreds of几百;成百上千 look for寻找 thousand num.千 strange ...
lost and found box失物招领箱 mine[main] pron. 我的 yours [jɔ:z, juəz]pron. 你(们)的 tape [teip]n. 录音带;录像带 purple ['pə:pl]adj. 紫色的;紫红色的 n. 紫色;紫红色 hers [hə:z] pron. 她的 careful ['kεəful]adj. 仔细的;认真的;小心的 ...
认真的;小心的 on 从某时刻起 phone 电话;电话机 plane 飞机 hers 她的 camera 照相机 taxi 出租车 why 为什么 airport 机场;航空港 pig 猪 hundred 百 thousand 千 strange 奇怪的 boat 船 duck 鸭 sausage 香肠;腊肠 first of all 首先;第一 lost and found box 失物招领箱 be careful with 小心(对待...
在Apple Music 上收听ฟลุ๊ค ไอ..น้ำ, เอก สุระเชษฐ์, Boat Dr.Fuu & FAII AM FINE的《LOST & FOUND - EP》。2023年。4 首歌曲。时长:14 分钟
However, when he looked back, he found the penguin looked sadder (更难过的) than ever before. Suddenly, he realised (意识到) he made a mistake—the penguin was not lost, and it was just lonely. Quickly he turned the boat around and rowed back to the South Pole as fast as he could...
At the moment, there are also some strange things at the New York City Lost and Found Office. 此时此刻,在纽约市失物招领处还有一些不同寻常的东西。 There are about a hundred bikes and a large boat. 那里大约有一百辆自行车和一艘大船。 There are also a lot of animals. 还有许多动物。 This ...
(135)/(AE)LostandFoundis a children'spicturebookaswellas a cartoonmovie.Ittells a nicestory.A boyfinds a penguin(企鹅)athisdoor.Thepenguindoesn'tlookhappy.Theboysays,"Areyoulost?I canhelpyoufindhome."TheboygoestotheLostandFoundOffice,butnooneknowsthepenguin.AfterknowingthepenguincomesfromtheSout...
The Love BoatLost and Found/The Understudy/Married Singles (Season 1, Episode 8) TV-PG TV Episode | 60 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance Edit page Add to list Theo Denison Jr buys a cruise with his own money and doesn't tell his parents. Sharon can't release the pain of her son's ...
They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. 5.That’s why there are lost and found office at airports and stations. 四、本模块常见作文句子翻译 1.现在我们在失物招领处。 2.我们很高兴,因为我们在这里找到了丢失的东西。 3.这个足球是大明的。手表也是他的。 4.钱包是玲玲的...
18、 four things you have lost or you can choose from the box.Try to describe them.Stude nt B: Think of five or six thi ngs you have in your lost and found office or youcan choose from the box. Try to describe them.boat camera computer crayons duck football gloves mobile phone pig...