来自国外的Lossless Scaling 可以解决老款的低分辨率窗口化游戏运行时,窗口大小和屏幕分辨率相比往往过小,可以通过该软件放大指定窗口至全屏,并且不产生模糊 相比windows放大镜放大所有窗口更加灵活,本款软件在steam平台有卖,觉得好用可以支持正版! 压缩大小只有几十KB 解压后直接运行 支持系统windows8 及以上 使用说明:...
Lossless Scaling是专治软件无法全屏运行的一款软件,不管啥软件,它都能给你强制进入全屏模式 软件使用很简单: 启动以后直接按下Ctrl+Alt+S即可将位于桌面最前部的窗口彻底全屏运行 甭管啥类型的窗口,都能一键全屏,另外,软件还有抗锯齿、强制大小、放大倍数调节等功能,无需担心老软件在新系统中出现边缘模糊、比例失...
and on the other hand, efficient methodologies to transfer the information between the scales. In the available scale-bridging techniques, there is usually a trade-off between the amount of information preserved in the up-scaling and
and on the other hand, efficient methodologies to transfer the information between the scales. In the available scale-bridging techniques, there is usually a trade-off between the amount of information preserved in the up-scaling and