initializer=None, # An Initializer instance (callable). regularizer=None, # An optional Regularizer instance. trainable=True, # A boolean, whether the weight should #be trained via backprop or not (assuming #that the layer itself is also trainable). constraint=None): # An optional Constraint i...
ValueError: `tape` is required when a `Tensor` loss is passed. whereaslossis a number. Describe the expected behavior Sincelossis a number, we expect tensorflow to not say thatTensorloss has been passed. Standalone code to reproduce the issue def loss(ground_truth, output): return np.sum(...
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署) - Paddle/python/paddle/nn/layer/loss.py at release/3.0-beta · PaddlePaddle/Paddle
a `WarmStartSettings` object to fully configure warm-starting. If the string filepath is provided instead of a `WarmStartSettings`, then all weights are warm-started, and it is assumed that vocabularies and Tensor names are unchanged.
a `WarmStartSettings` object to fully configure warm-starting. If the string filepath is provided instead of a `WarmStartSettings`, then all weights and biases are warm-started, and it is assumed that vocabularies and Tensor names are unchanged. ...
(self, net_output: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor): #target must be b, c, x, y(, z) with c=1 target_dice = target dc_loss = self.dc(net_output, target_dice, loss_mask=mask) ce_loss = self.ce(net_output, target[:, 0].long()) result = self.weight_ce * ce_loss +...
5) to_tensor = ToTensor() image_transform = Compose([ to_tensor, rnd_crop, rnd_flip, rnd_color_jitter, rnd_gray, rnd_gaussian_blur, ]) return image_transformclass ContrastiveLearningViewGenerator(object): """ Take 2 random crops of 1 image as the qu...
Theloss-landscapeslibrary can compute any quantity of interest at a collection of points in a parameter subspace, not just loss. This is accomplished using aMetric: a callable object which applies a pre-determined function, such as a cross entropy loss with a specific set of inputs and output...
optimizer: String, `tf.Optimizer` object, or callable that creates the optimizer to use for training. If not specified, will use `FtrlOptimizer` with a default learning rate of 0.3. config: `RunConfig` object to configure the runtime settings. ...