Individual & family studies Autism as an ambiguous loss| The experience of multiple family members ALLIANT INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY David Diamond BlankenshipJordanThis study explored the experience of autism as an ambiguous loss on families who have a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ages ...
To confirm the presence of asexual populations ofG.nakajimai, we investigated the colony composition of 74 mature colonies from ten populations. Colonies contained multiple reproductives and up to 2300 non-reproductive members (soldiers, workers, nymphs, alates, and young instars; see Fig.1). In...
We report a case report of an Arab family with many members with inv(9)(p22q13). Our proband male aged 35 years at time of presentation with primary infertility. Some members, such as a brother aged 34 years, who had this inversion suffered from recurrent pregnancy loss while other member...
Loss of Kirrel family members alters glomerular structure and synapse numbers in the accessory olfactory bulbKirrelNephVomeronasalAxonal guidanceSensory neuronsAccessory olfactory bulbSynapseAxonal coalescenceThe accessory olfactory system controls social and sexual behaviours in mice, both of which are critical...
We thank V. Dixit for helpful discussions. We also thank all the patients and their families, and the healthy children and adult controls, for their enthusiastic support during this research study. This research was supported by the Intramural Research Programs of the National Human Genome Research...
The family of herpesviruses has the ability to persist in the body of its host in a latent state as a carrier no apparent after primary infection. In a time that can vary from months or years after primary infection, latent herpesvirus can manifest itself again with renewed replication and wi...
To characterize the effects of phospholipase-mediated HI in maize, we used RNA-seq data27 from different tissues of maize B73 to identify pollen-specific members of this gene family expressed specifically in pollen (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2). We found that only one member (ZmPLD3) was ...
Autism as an ambiguous loss: The experience of multiple family members This study explored the experience of autism as an ambiguous loss on families who have a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ages 7鈥 18. Semi-stru... J Blankenship - Dissertations & Theses - Gradworks 被引量:...
genome build GRCh37/UCSC hg19. A custom-developed analysis tool (Xome Analyzer) was used to call sequence variants. Sanger sequencing was used to confirm all potentially pathogenic variants identified in available family members. Additional variants not included in this report are available upon ...
To determine the role of NAV in development and neuronal function, we explored the phenotypes associated with loss of the NAV orthologue in flies. The fruit fly has a single Neuron Navigator gene calledsick, orthologous to all three NAV(1/2/3) family members in humans. Based on multiple ort...