Recent studies suggest that the unprecedented loss of Arctic sea ice seen in recent years is tied to the warm phase of this natural fluctuation of sea surface temperatures that began in the 1990s.doi:10.1002/2014EO150012WendelJoAnnaJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union...
BlameHeatWavesonLossofArcticSeaIce 北冰洋的冬季从11月起直到次年4月,长达6个月。而夏季仅7、8两个月。北极的冬天是漫长、寒冷而黑暗的,从每年的11月23日开始,有近半年时间是几乎看不见太阳的日子。到了4月份,才慢慢暖和起来,冰雪逐渐消融。而北极地区的夏季却出现了剧烈的冰融现象,科学家对此研究表明,这与...
New research suggests a link between the precipitous meltdown of Arctic summer sea ice and broiling heat waves. David Biello reports
Mid-Holocene climate was characterized by strong summer solar heating that decreased Arctic sea ice cover. Motivated by recent studies identifying Arctic sea ice loss as a key driver of future climate change, we separate the influences of Arctic sea ice
The Tibetan Plateau (TP) has recently been polluted by anthropogenic emissions transported from South Asia, but the mechanisms conducive to this aerosol delivery are poorly understood. Here we show that winter loss of Arctic sea ice over the subpolar Nor
Over the past decades, the highly-populated Northern Hemispheric mid-latitude was hit by frequent extreme cold events, which caused serious casualties and economic losses. Previous studies have shown that the drastic Arctic sea-ice loss is one of the causes, but their link remains unclear. ...
The Essential Role of Sea-ice Loss in Arctic Amplification under Global Warming Prof. Aiguo Dai University at Albany, State University of New, USA 新楼1118会议室 2018年10月26日(星期五)14:30 Abstract The Arctic (nor...
Polar bears rely on sea ice to hunt their preferred prey -- seals that are stock full of fat and blubber that provide polar bears the energy they need to survive the elements of the Arctic. Polar bear on land in the Western Hudson Bay region.Anthony Pagano ...
The Arctic has warmed twice as fast as the rest of the globe thanks in part to melting sea ice, a new study finds
If Arctic sea ice vanishes in summers by the middle of the century as expected, the world could see a vicious circle that drives enough global warming to almost wipe out the impact of China going carbon neutral. Ice losses in frozen regions are known to trigger “climate feed...