Gentle Parenting Workshop 2: Healing from Your Past so You Don’t Pass it Along to Your Childrenwill help you work through the steps of recovery from a painful past, leading you on a journey of healing and forgiveness, of unloading negative emotional baggage into the past where it belongs ...
Later, she would exclaim, “I outlived the queen!” and purse her lips in her whadda-ya-think-of-that face. And she did. They were the same age: 96. My daughter had said the same thing on the plane, as we flew across country, hours after hearing of her heart attack and return ...
But now they are my caretakers. My son sleeps on the couch next to my bed a few nights a week to give his father a break. My precious daughter tries to keep everything upbeat and picks up my slack whenever she can. Both of my kids have demanding jobs and having a sick mom has to...
If you are lucky, like I am, you get a window into that world via an adult relationship with your parents. In this domain you start to learn more about them; you see them through the eyes of their friends, their employer, their spouse, and their other children. Yesterday I sat transfi...
Who are we without the brother, mother, son, or daughter that we have lost to a country or place far away? Who are we apart from our friendships? Who are we when ministry is gone? All of these questions are a part of reconstructing our identities. Ultimately, in my faith journey I’...
dad’s condition had not changed. I then assured my brother that our father stable. I believe that this daughter was tired of driving the distance to the hospital and wanted my brother to start taking his share of the shifts. I would have happily been part of them, but I wasn’t ...
I lost my daughter to Cancer when she was 27 and it was over 20 years ago. However I share the same “what if she had lived?” feelings as any parent who has lost a child, whatever the age. Rachel Sue’s daughter as a little girl aged 4 ...
I waited 23 years for the next movie version of The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring. My wife and I had four kids waiting for its arrival! My oldest daughter Kate was old enough to stay up late to catch the movie with me on the first day. It came out the day bef...
Father Comforts Daughter He's walking towards me surrounded by light I can't believe this miraculous sight It can't be him, I know he is dead But as I look towards him, he's shaking his head Read Complete Poem Stories6 Shares788 ...
Assessment of adult locomotion was determined using a negative geotaxis assay. Briefly, age-matched male flies were separated into groups of 10 individuals per genotype that were tested together under the same conditions once a week over 36 days. The proportion of flies climbing to the top of a...