The loss of a complex phenotype is one extreme case of morphological evolution. Upon phenotype loss, we expect a different evolutionary trajectory for the genetic information underlying this phenotype. On the one hand, the integrity of developmental genes should be maintained over time due to selecti...
Conserved protein domains were identified using MEME (MultipleExpectation Maximization forMotifElicitation;; [100]). As the selection of taxa can bias the identification of domains, we began by comparing a small set of deeply diverged taxa in order to avoid over-weighting lin...
MAF is a transcription factor that may act either as a tumor suppressor or as an oncogene, depending on cell type. We have shown previously that the overexpressed miR-1290 influences MAF protein levels in LSCC (laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma) cell lines. In this study, we shed further ligh...
The CRISPR/Cas9-positive lines were identified by PCR, then further genotyped for mutations using the primers (Fwd: ACATGGTTTCACTGTAAAGGGATCT and Rev: CTGGCCTGAAAGAAAAGCATCAAA) spanning the two sgRNAs target sequences by PCR and Sanger sequencing of ARF4-PCR products. 2.3. Characterization ...
Finally, adopting four different methodological approaches (PAML, MEME, FEL and FUBAR), we targeted the positive selection acting in avianRIG-Iat specific positively selected sites (PSS). In total, 22 PSSs inRIG-Iwere identified based on the consensus of at least three methods (Figure S5). To...
White lines correspond to participants belonging to group 1, and gray lines correspond to participants belonging to group 2. 2.2. Experimental Sessions The protocol comprised two sessions separated by a washout phase that lasted two to four weeks. In each session, patients underwent a pre- and ...