outputs = net(images.to(device)) loss = loss_function(outputs, labels.to(device)) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # print statistics running_loss += loss.item() train_bar.desc = "train epoch[{}/{}] loss:{:.3f}".format(epoch + 1, epochs, loss) # validate net.eval() acc = 0...
Hello everybody, I have a model producing as output a list of tensors with different shapes: outputs = [tensor1, tensor2, etc..]. I want to use all of this tensors in one single loss function to do some calculations. However, if I use th...
Cross-entropyis a popular loss function used in machine learning to measure the performance of a classification model. Namely, it measures the difference between the discovered probability distribution of a classification model and the predicted values. When applied to binary classification tasks, it is...
237 inputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device) 238 optimizer.zero_grad() 239 outputs = model(inputs) 240 labels=labels.to(torch.int64) 241 loss = criterion(outputs, labels) The datatype of 'labels' will change into int64, and my training finally work. ...
to(self.device) ##=== decode targets === lmask, umask = self.decode_targets(targets) lbs, ubs = lmask.float().sum().item(), umask.float().sum().item() ##=== forward === outputs = self.model(data) loss = self.ce_loss(outputs[lmask], targets[lmask]) loop_info['lloss'...
Interpreted as binary (sigmoid) output with outputs of size [B, H, W]. labels: [B, H, W] Tensor, ground truth labels (between 0 and C - 1) classes: 'all' for all, 'present' for classes present in labels, or a list of classes to average. per_image: compute the loss per imag...
交叉熵损失 Cross Entropy Loss Function 用于图像语义分割任务的最常用损失函数是像素级别的交叉熵损失,这种损失会逐个检查每个像素,将对每个像素类别的预测结果(概率分布向量)与我们的独热编码标签向量( 形式)进行比较。 每个像素对应的损失函数为 其中,
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This outputs: <class 'mmdet.models.losses.smooth_l1_loss.L1Loss'> None Did you make any modifications on the code or config? Did you understand what you have modified? This is raw minified example. Environment sys.platform: linux Python: 3.11.2 (main, Mar 13 2023, 12:18:29) [GCC ...
The issue that you have encountered where the dimensions of the ground truth and anchor class do not match can be attributed to the function varifocal_loss. The VarifocalLoss (VFL) is designed to handle datasets with imbalanced class labels. However, in applying VFL to YOLOv8, the second dime...