NBA star Rudy Gobert says he's lost his sense his smell and taste over the last few days after testing positive for coronavirus less than two weeks ago. Gobert wondered publicly about his symptoms, which a British medical group says have also been observed in other people who tested positive...
A 38 year-old user is worried about immune system suppression. "The last three to four months I have been sick with viruses and bacterial illnesses more than any time in my life." A 42 year-old 5 year male user believes the gum is responsible for a "lower white blood cell count." "...
‘you’ are along with ‘the REST OF US’ here on this planet earth spinning around and around His sun with everything all about us DUTIFULLY COMPLIANT and OBEYING His Laws of Nature He Himself deemed and created FOR All that you see, hear, taste, touch and smell via your PHYSICAL body...