This culturalChristianity, also known as ‘tradition’ and ‘family values’ is especially prevalent in conservative circles. This hardwired nature of Christianity helps explain how it is that many of the people who vocally support the banning of religious symbols in schools see only hijabs and k...
I’m just going to keep doing it, because I’m helping people and I’m saving lives. My angels managed to keep this at bay until 2025… I need to have a stack of evidence saying these are all the people whose lives I have saved… Oh my God, Oh my God. It just never ends with...
(基督教(Christianity)分三大教派为:天主教(Catholicism),正东教(Orthodox),基督新教(Protestantism)) 3. apostate n. a person who has rejected their religious or political beliefs. 叛教者;脱党者;变节者 The diversity of belief in Sister Lemonnier’s family reflects a growing trend. Latin America hold...
t just mean the many different types of so-called “false religions” in the world (in my view,allreligion is false, including the one we’ve made out of Christianity). By “religion,” I’m basically referring to any set of beliefs and/or practices that takes precedence in our minds ...
Christianity has always seemed to fight a losing battle against race. —Charles Hamilton Houston 20 The Prime Minister wins debate after debate and loses battle after battle. The country is beginning to say that he fights debates like a war and the war like a debate. —Aneurin Bevan ...
The existence of this whole dimension of trade and co-operation in the country of Afghanistan really gives a sense of the bigger picture, as does the constant focus on Christianity here, and what it means. Dear United Socialist Front, I am truly puzzled, not at the suggestion of Socialist...
What Satan meant for evil God would use for good. And so when Mary returned to school it was not by chance that one of the visiting speakers was hailed from a charismatic church. In fact he was the very first charismatic speaker invited to their group in years. Everything was aligning ...
In Christianity when a number is repeated three times, it means perfect. So 777 means perfect complete completion. I really want to connect with you Lisa. Finding some reassurance of hope in the horrible depths of our grief. I hope we can visit sometime. by Dorothy Davidson, Dundee ...
Then too he was contemptuous, like most German intellectuals, of what he thought of as a Mediterranean contamination of the true, Teutonic soul of Europe -- "Mediterranean" encompassing everything from Italian opera to Christianity. And he was typical of Germans, and of Europeans generally, in ...
[It] looked to me like the work of intelligence.He even gives a huge nod toward Christianity that, he says, "is the one religion that most clearly deserves to be honored and respected whether or not its claim to divine revelation is true."There is nothing like the combination of a ...