The article focuses on hair loss in the shower. An increase of hair in the drain may signal a health problem such as not having enough iron in a diet or a hormonal problem such as an under active thyroid. Thyroid problems can be treated wi...
Are you constantly pulling your hair out of the shower drain? Seeing more hair on your brush than on your head? Feeling less and less hair in your ponytail? Hair loss doesn't only affect men. By age 70, close to 40 percent of women experience female-pattern hair loss....
That is the hospital policy for all women who have c-sections- no getting out of bed for 12 hours. This isn’t a big deal for the families who have healthy babies because the babies are in the room with them, but for the families whose babies are whisked away for observation or admi...
The anesthesiologist came over. She was already smiling. Her teeth were bright white against the caramel-pudding color of her skin. Her hair was wrapped in a paisley turban, brown and red, the brown matching exactly the color of her scrubs. The crinkly lines at the corner of her eyes lent...
women had a vendetta against a boy they knew in highschool and they remembered being at the same event with him and decided to make up a story to ruin his life. Or, a couple of psychopaths who went to school with a boy many years ago who was running for office and they were ...
notice loose hairs in the sink or the shower, or that your side-part is starting to look more like the Parting of the Red Sea, have confidence in the fact that hair loss medications do work, and that all it takes is working with your doctor in order to find the right one for you....
hair! It looks blond!” It was fun to have him narrate when we couldn’t see August yet. They finally brought August to us and he was so beautiful and pink and chubby. He looked like a normal full term healthy baby, not a baby who had just fought for his life for 8 months. We...
why are we in switzerland? “i have lyme disease,” keough says. she pulls her long hair, still damp from the shower, away from her bare face. “i used this little break that i have to come and try and see if i can alleviate it a bit. it’s a holistic treatment center and ...
Our society tells people, both men and women that being selfless and sacrificing their needs and comforts for the needs of others make you a great human being. I’m here today challenging that and saying that they’re wrong. Your personal well being, your thoughts, your wants, your disappo...
in case the same thing should happen to me. But then, I also remembered the feeling I’d had when I was told that the waiting list for reconstruction was over a year long. I thought of all those women behind me in the queue, desperately waiting for the chance to feel like women ...