Finally, it is well established that “[a] prior relationship of legal adviser and client does not generally disqualify the former adviser, on becoming a member of a … court … from sitting in proceedings before that … court … to which the former client is a party”. […] It is like...
Frontier War: West PapuaMilitary and War - 62 min -★8.00The conflict in West Papua is a complex and... Nutmeg: History UnpeeledHistory - 106 min -★7.00Nutmeg, a spice derived from the seed of the... Jesus's Family SecretsReligion - 52 min -★7.25The question of whether Jesus had...
In a similar vein we find, unsurprisingly, that Port Hedland Council have also been nominated. The council voted 5-2 in favour of a motion to call for the immediate suspension of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. The bogus claim that these vaccines are contaminated with DNA was again a feature here...
which she falsely claimed was “banned in many parts of the world”. Meryl also managed to call the TGACost Recoverymodel, “a fairly evil policy”. She provided a dubious anecdote of her own apparent use of Black Salve and wrongly claimed it has a “two thousand year history”. She men...
one may delight in theWisdom of Choprawhich is aTwitter stream made up of seeming quotes that are randomly generatedby words that can be found in his genuine Twitter stream. If anybody breathes prescient life into the words of the late Carl Sagan it is the scoundrel and intellectual mobster ...
Hafemeister’s quote on being brave hadn’t really hit home at AVN Central it seems although it continued in member emails. Hafemeister would take her quotes to bizarre levels. In a MayFacebook videopromoting the AVN Vaxxed bus she went so far as to voicetheworn out anti-vaxxerquote from...
On 26 April 2022 Health Feedback published a fact check of another of Laibow’s accusations in the video. Namely, the claim that squalene in vaccines caused autoimmune disease and Gulf War Syndrome. Unsurprisingly, the verdictwas “inaccurate”. Laibow warned of the horror vaccines would unleash...
The only national glimmer of hope in this coronavirus war on our bodies, livelihoods and mental health has been the promise of a free vaccine available eventually to all Australians, writes Louise Roberts The post urged readers to include their thoughts. One of which was this image; ...