Dominating backyards and RC competitions, the Losi LMT platform has proven to be the perfect blend of performance, durability, and scale motorsports realism. It is our only front and rear solid axle platform with 1/8th scale electronics and drivetrain to deliver an impressive power-to-weight rat...
Dominating backyards and RC competitions, the Losi LMT platform has proven to be the perfect blend of performance, durability, and scale motorsports realism. It is our only front and rear solid axle platform with 1/8th scale electronics and drivetrain to deliver an impressive power-to-weight rat...
Dominating backyards and RC competitions, the Losi LMT platform has proven to be the perfect blend of performance, durability, and scale motorsports realism. It is our only front and rear solid axle platform with 1/8th scale electronics and drivetrain to deliver an impressive power-to-weight rat...
其实金司令是泥地卡车,掘墓者才是真正的大脚 举报 原来是名名噢 2024-12-07 10 想多了,这就是拖拉机轮胎 举报 随心而行赣水罗霄 2024-12-07 8 不是户外大讲堂吗?改名了? 举报 武汉车友188 2024-12-10 5 请问lmt8车前桥传动轴的轴承尺寸是多少啊? 举报 + 更多评论汽车...
一个视频带你全面了解小lmt的op,玩车场地,购买建议,够你从入坑到退坑,制作不易,可以给我个一键三连吗, 视频播放量 206723、弹幕量 44、点赞数 100、投硬币枚数 48、收藏人数 290、转发人数 5, 视频作者 丁子超-RC, 作者简介 1.接RC买车、买配件op、电池、调试、拍摄一
The Losi 1/8 LMT 3S 4X4 RTR Brushless Monster Truck is a hobby-grade Ready-To-Run RC car for adults looking for a remote control car that delivers on high performance and great value from!
仿真与性能的完美结合 losi mini lmt +trx4m bigfoot 车壳,全套升级 最强仿真迷你怪兽卡车!!! 21.9万 54 37:05 App LOSI mini 小 lmt全解析! op升级/ 玩车场景/ 购买建议 1320 0 00:25 App Losi Mini LMT Megalodon 巨齿鲨 5406 113 02:43 App 路人:“这得好几万吧!”,UDR & 大X 草坪狂舞😵...
hello大家好,这里是team godlike,作为rc模型发烧友和摇滚狂野青年,你一定不会错过最近发布的Losi LMT 4wd Soild Axle大脚车,狂野的外形,动感的姿态,逼真的结构,这才是属于男人的专属浪漫! 开箱延时摄影+静态整体展示-1分钟 疫情未果,但作为losi的老东家地平线早已蓄势已久,随着acdc发布新歌,这款1/8尺寸的直桥大...
视频Losi LMT 大脚车设计解密 • 新车!新玩法!LOSI泥地卡车~KING & HOG• Losi 发布全新1/16 Mini-B 无刷后驱越野车• SPEKTRUM MS6X系统,让遥控摩托车操控进入新世代• LOSI 1/18 Mini-T Stadium Truck• LOSI 1/18 Mini LMT Megalodon巨齿鲨 直桥大脚车...
4.8 客服满意度97% 平均22小时发货 客服平均36秒回复 已售少于100 ¥98点击查看更多 配送: 北京至 阳泉城区 快递: 10.00预售,付款后5天内发货 保障: 7天无理由退货 参数: 颜色分类:银色 查看更多 参数信息 品牌 GPM 型号 LMTM014FR 适用性别 男