“Loose” is an adjective meaning “not secure” or “not tight.”“Lose” is a verb that can be used to mean “misplace” or “suffer a loss.”
loosen(V), loosened (past & past participle), loose (Adj) lose(V), lost (past & past participle) fastened (Adj) – not well connected or attached Loose Adjective LOOSE — other meanings MEANINGSENTENCE FREE, ESCAPED, UNATTACHED The chickens runloosein the yard. ...
Lose vs. loose: What’s the difference? The word lose is a verb that can mean either (1) fail to win, (2) be unable find, or (3) stop having or owning something. The word loose is an adjective that means not tight or not strict. The rules for swimming at the beach are prett...
Lose Vs. Loose What's the difference betweenloseandloose? Loseis a verb most commonly meaning to fail to win or to misplace something, as inI hate to lose in chessorDon’t lose your key.Looseis most commonly used as an adjective meaning not tight or free or released from fastening, att...
Loose vs. Lose: Correct Usage Although they may have nearly identical spellings, loose and lose have different pronunciations and entirely separate meanings. In today’s post, we will break down the meaning and usage of each word. The Meaning of Loose Loose is an adjective that means “not...
It’s definitely important that I note the word “loose” cannot be used as a verb, and the word “lose” cannot be used as an adjective. Using these words incorrectly can lead to confusion or misunderstanding, so use them correctly in order to convey the intended meaning effectively. ...
It also shows up as part of the casual phraseloosen up, which also means “to relax.”Loosenis your best choice when you need a verb that represents the meaning ofloose. A final tip When you’re trying to decide betweenloseandloose, consider whether you’re looking for an adjective or ...
Although it’s easy to lose what is loose, one letter makes a significant difference between the meaning of these two words. Lose, a verb, most often refers to failing to get something, while loose is usually used as an adjective to designate something that is not tight or has been freed...
The meaning of LOSE is to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place. How to use lose in a sentence.
The meaning of LOSE is to miss from one's possession or from a customary or supposed place. How to use lose in a sentence.